Terms and conditions of use of this website
By accessing the AQUELA KOMBUCHA website, the user recognises and declares that he/she has read and understood the terms and conditions of use mentioned below and expressly subscribes to them, so if he/she does not accept them, he/she should not use this website!
The site with the domain name www.aquelakombucha.ptincluding all subpages and any other digital content, is the property of AQUELA KOMBUCHA Unipessoal Lda, NIF: 515.030.384, with registered offices at Rua Duque de Saldanha 345, 4300-465 Bonfim, Porto, Portugal.
All information and content made available on the website, including images, videos, texts and information, logos and graphic design or any document contained therein, are the industrial and intellectual property of AQUELA KOMBUCHA or third parties who have authorized their inclusion, and may not be used outside the permitted conditions. Unless otherwise provided by law, it is expressly forbidden to copy, store, reproduce, alter, transmit, disseminate, commercialise or otherwise make accessible to third parties the information made available through this site, unless it is for personal and non-commercial use. Any use of information, especially when authorized, must always refer to the source.
Any attempt to alter or upload information, or any other action that may cause damage and put the system at risk, is strictly prohibited and may be punishable in accordance with the law in force.
AQUELA KOMBUCHA makes information about the company available on this website in an endeavour to ensure that it is accurate, relevant, complete and current. However, AQUELA KOMBUCHA cannot guarantee the absence of errors and/or omissions and will correct them as soon as they are brought to its attention and/or it becomes aware of them.
The information on this site does not constitute any offer or recommendation on the part of AQUELA KOMBUCHA, and any decision based on it is therefore the sole responsibility of its user.
AQUELA KOMBUCHA aims to minimise the inconvenience caused by technical errors. However, certain data or information on this website may have been created or structured in files or formats that are not error-free, with the result that we cannot guarantee that the service will not be interrupted or disrupted due to such problems. AQUELA KOMBUCHA declines any and all responsibility for any problems that may arise as a result of consulting this site or any external sites linked to it.
This site is governed by AQUELA KOMBUCHA ‘s internal regulations and articles of association, as well as by applicable Portuguese and Community law. You should therefore note that if you are using this site from any location other than Portugal, there may be specific rules for that location. However, in case of any doubt regarding the interpretation of any of these clauses and conditions or any dispute, Portuguese law will always apply and the jurisdiction of the District of Porto is considered competent.
Designed by Patrícia Nogueira
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