Relationship between gut and skin: the importance of the microbiome for skin health
The skin microbiome is the set of microorganisms that live on human skin. These organisms include bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa that contribute to the balance of the skin and can play an important role in health. The skin microbiome is unique to each individual and can change with age, season, activity, stress, and other factors. It is closely related to the gut microbiome and hence the great relationship that exists between gut and skin. If we want to improve our skin, it is clearly to improve our gut and therefore to eat and drink better.
But after all, what is eating and drinking better?
This gut and skin microbiome has a symbiotic relationship with us, on the one hand we provide them with food, on the other they perform functions that help us. On the skin, it maintains the barrier and prevents the invasion of pathogens. In the intestine they promote the absorption of nutrients and help us in the digestion of certain foods.
The gut microbiome changes depending on what we consume. If we increase the so-called “good bacteria” we are increasing the microorganisms that contribute to a better absorption of nutrients by the body. If we increase the so-called “bad bacteria” we are promoting inflammation in the body and increasing intestinal permeability. Some help our immune system, the others promote disease in our body. And our skin will be the long-term reflection of our gut. Thus, we are also causing inflammation in the skin and propensity for conditions such as acne, rosacea, atopic, sensitive skin, among others.

And which foods will promote the proliferation of good bacteria?
Foods such as fresh vegetables, fruits, unprocessed cereals, seeds, nuts and especially the famous probiotics. Great examples are miso, kefir, sauerkraut and other naturally fermented pickles and artisanal kombucha.
On the contrary, what feeds bad bacteria?
Processed foods, sugar, sweet unfermented beverages, pastry products, industrial flours, ham and other processed meats, frozen foods, milk and industrial derivatives, alcohol.
And over time the bacteria we feed is the population that will grow in the intestine that will then spread to the rest of the mucous membranes, namely the vaginal and skin. And the skin will be fragile and with its bacterial population unbalanced. If we add to this a flawed beauty routine or products that are not suitable for our skin, we have everything to develop chronic inflammatory conditions and suffer from premature aging.
Photos by Anita Gonçalves.