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“Our mission is to create and share kombucha that’s just as delicious and beneficial as homemade. AQUELA KOMBUCHA is brewed “the old-fashioned way,” honoring the ancestral tradition of fermentation while incorporating sophisticated methods that ensure a balanced, authentic, and consistent product. The brand was created as a vehicle for positive change, with a mission to inspire the exploration of healthier and more sustainable lifestyles.”
Maria Lima
Founder and Director
and Mother of 3 cats
Favorite Kombucha: Original
Logistics Manager and
Knife Sharpener
Favorite Kombucha: Citrus Tropical
Favorite Kombucha: Peppermint
Commercial Director
and DJ on Duty
Favorite kombucha: Ginger
Favorite Kombucha: Strawberry Hibiscus
Favorite Kombucha: Original
Sales Representative
and Sound Swimmer
Favorite Kombucha: Citrus Tropical
Designed by Patrícia Nogueira